Real Money Poker in India | Online Poker Games in India
Responsible Gaming At PokerDangal, we take responsible gaming very seriously. This includes safety and security of players, fairness of game, following of rules and regulations, etc. The following are some of the factors that PokerDangal takes into consideration for being a responsible online poker website. Age Limit PokerDangal prohibits players under the age of 18 from playing on the site. Underage players who play on the site by providing untrue/false information will face closure of their accounts, forfeiture of deposits and winnings and criminal charges. Hence, in their own interests, we urge under-18 players to refrain from making an account with PokerDangal. We have a verification process for every new player who creates an account with us. Players have to provide a Government-approved identity proof that has their DOB on it. Failure to do so will result in termination of the account, as will provision of wrongful information. Limit of deposits PokerDangal allows...